Petition to Gov. John Waihe'e [...] on "Sand Island Shore Protection" plan


Petition to Gov. John Waihe'e [...] on "Sand Island Shore Protection" plan




A Petition To Gov. John Waihe'e, State Hawai'i, The Army Corps of Engineers Honolulu District On "Sand Island Shore Protection" plan

URGE POSTPONEMENT - WE users of Sand island State Park strongly urge you Gov. Waihe'e and the Army Corps of Engineers to postpone action on the proposed "Sand Island Shore Protection" plan pending meaningful community awareness and input. VERY POOR SPONSOR INFORMATIONALS - Few. if any. of us park users have been informed of the plans. impacts and alternatives. SURFING AREA ENDANGERED - The planned rock walls endanger a prime surfing area much used by Honolulu youth. Surfing sites are fixed in number while the surfing community is growing rapidly. The result is congestion and conflicts. No surf site in Hawai'i should ever again be in danger! TIDAL POOLS DESTROYED - Tidal pools along the old seawall are enjoyed by young and old. Yet most would be destroyed.

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