Fiery Leaves: Verses


Fiery Leaves: Verses






This is a collection of poems about the October Revolution and the civil war in the Far East written by many different poets, but united in their descriptions of this historic event. The illustrations each in black white and red are by Gennadii Dmitrievich Pavlishin, People's Artist and winner of the Krupskaia State Prize, a well-known illustrator of animal and indigenous peoples in books about the Russian Far East, who became known after the collapse of the Soviet Union for his paintings of icons. This book was donated to Hamilton Library by Lydia Pavlovna Pyn'ko, former longtime librarian of the Library of the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR's Academy of Sciences. It is inscribed by Pavlishin.

On front of little box:
В этом патроне, читатель, земля с волочаевской сопки, земля, обрагренная
кровью борцов за сожетскую власть
[In this cartridge pen, dear reader is soil from the Volochaevsky hill, soil, that has
been made crimson by the blood of the fighters for Soviet rule]

On the back of the box:
Разгромили атаманов, разогнали всех господ и на Тихом океане свой закончили поход
[They defeated the Atamans, chased away all the bourgeoisies and on the shores of the Pacific Ocean they ended their campaign]

Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

190 pages

Is Part Of

Russian Collection, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library

Page Location