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UHM Library Digital Image Collections
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Hawaii War Records Depository Photos
Images from the Hawai‘i Congressional Papers Collection
Social Movements
Tom Klobe Collection: Anatolian (Turkish) Architecture and Art
Tom Klobe Collection: Cappella Palatina
Bell Historical Postcard Collection
Emery D. Middleton Collection: photos during the Allied Occupation of Japan
Delagnel Haigh Roop Photographic Collection
Gandhi Photos
Great Kanto Earthquake Japan - September 1923
Ilocandia: A Visual Experience of Ilocos Sur
Korean War Collection: Korean War Veterans Association Collection
Korean War Collection: Turkish Brigade
Images of Okinawa after World War II
Islamic School Textbooks
Japanese Commercial Graphic Designs 1920s
Jerome Feldman’s Photographic Slides (Nias, INDONESIA)
Kumaichi Hiraoka Postcard Collection
Lantern Slides of the Nippon Rikkokai
Lianhuanhua 连环画 - Picture Storybook
Magic Lantern Slides Collection
North Korea Collection
Photographs from India Post-Independence
Photographs from Subali-Sugriwa: Battle of the Monkey Kings
Shackford Collection of Photographs of China
South Asia: 19th Century and Earlier Imprints
Southeast Asia Posters
Stanley Kaizawa Collection
Stephen Kolenda’s Photographic Slides & Photographs (Laos, Thailand, Myanmar & PRC)
Jean Charlot Collection: Photographers
Jean Charlot drawings for Paul Claudel
Jean Charlot Collection: José Guadalupe Posada Prints
Juliette May Fraser Papers: Catalogue Raisonné
Ossipoff & Snyder Architects Collection Award Display Panels
Ossipoff & Snyder Architects Collection Renderings
Aloha Hawaii Scrapbook
Anatomy of the Pineapple
Filipino Workers in Hawaii, 1926
Fitzharris Hawaii Photo Album
Hawaii 1929-30 : My first trip to Hawaii
Hawaiian Kalo
Hawaii Lantern Slides
Hawaiian Music Collection
Hawaiian Photo Album
Henry Warner's Hawaii Photo Album - 1932-1943
Leslie Sheraton Slides of Hawaii
Plants for Hawaiian Lei
Save our Surf
Dakin Fire Insurance Maps
Hawaii 1920s and 1930s: U.S. Army Air Corps Aerial Photographs
Maps Recovered from UH Mānoa 2004 Flood
Creating Siapo: American Samoa 1967
The George Grace linguistic research and slides of Melanesia collection, 1955-1956
Hawaiian & Pacific images digitized from published works, circa 1770-1925
Nuclear Diaspora: Bikini & Enewetak, 1946-1988
The Edmunds/Bryan photograph collection, Rapanui circa 1900-1920
The Douglas Oliver Collection, Bougainville, 1938-1939
The Jack Tobin Marshall Islands Anthropology Collection, 1950-1985
The Margo Duggan Collection: Slides of Micronesia & Hawaii, 1949-1954
The Pacific in Wartime
The Steve Thomas Traditional Micronesian Navigation Collection, 1983-1989
Trust Territory Archives Photograph Collection, circa 1958-1975
Trust Territory Survey Maps
Rare Books
Donald Angus Collection of Botanical Prints
Treasures from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library
Polish Posters
Russian Passport Application Album
Russian Posters
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All Collections
- Hawaii War Records Depository Photos
- Images from the Hawai‘i Congressional Papers Collection
- Social Movements
- Tom Klobe Collection: Anatolian (Turkish) Architecture and Art
- Tom Klobe Collection: Cappella Palatina
- Bell Historical Postcard Collection
- Emery D. Middleton Collection: photos during the Allied Occupation of Japan
- Delagnel Haigh Roop Photographic Collection
- Gandhi Photos
- Great Kanto Earthquake Japan - September 1923
- Ilocandia: A Visual Experience of Ilocos Sur
- Korean War Collection: Korean War Veterans Association Collection
- Korean War Collection: Turkish Brigade
- Images of Okinawa after World War II
- Islamic School Textbooks
- Japanese Commercial Graphic Designs 1920s
- Jerome Feldman’s Photographic Slides (Nias, INDONESIA)
- Kumaichi Hiraoka Postcard Collection
- Lantern Slides of the Nippon Rikkokai
- Lianhuanhua 连环画 - Picture Storybook
- Magic Lantern Slides Collection
- North Korea Collection
- Photographs from India Post-Independence
- Photographs from Subali-Sugriwa: Battle of the Monkey Kings
- Shackford Collection of Photographs of China
- South Asia: 19th Century and Earlier Imprints
- Southeast Asia Posters
- Stanley Kaizawa Collection
- Stephen Kolenda’s Photographic Slides & Photographs (Laos, Thailand, Myanmar & PRC)
- Jean Charlot Collection: Photographers
- Jean Charlot drawings for Paul Claudel
- Jean Charlot Collection: José Guadalupe Posada Prints
- Juliette May Fraser Papers: Catalogue Raisonné
- Ossipoff & Snyder Architects Collection Award Display Panels
- Ossipoff & Snyder Architects Collection Renderings
- Aloha Hawaii Scrapbook
- Anatomy of the Pineapple
- Filipino Workers in Hawaii, 1926
- Fitzharris Hawaii Photo Album
- Hawaii 1929-30 : My first trip to Hawaii
- Hawaiian Kalo
- Hawaii Lantern Slides
- Hawaiian Music Collection
- Hawaiian Photo Album
- Henry Warner's Hawaii Photo Album - 1932-1943
- Leslie Sheraton Slides of Hawaii
- Plants for Hawaiian Lei
- Save our Surf
- Dakin Fire Insurance Maps
- Hawaii 1920s and 1930s: U.S. Army Air Corps Aerial Photographs
- Maps Recovered from UH Mānoa 2004 Flood
- Creating Siapo: American Samoa 1967
- The George Grace linguistic research and slides of Melanesia collection, 1955-1956
- Hawaiian & Pacific images digitized from published works, circa 1770-1925
- Nuclear Diaspora: Bikini & Enewetak, 1946-1988
- The Edmunds/Bryan photograph collection, Rapanui circa 1900-1920
- The Douglas Oliver Collection, Bougainville, 1938-1939
- The Jack Tobin Marshall Islands Anthropology Collection, 1950-1985
- The Margo Duggan Collection: Slides of Micronesia & Hawaii, 1949-1954
- The Pacific in Wartime
- The Steve Thomas Traditional Micronesian Navigation Collection, 1983-1989
- Trust Territory Archives Photograph Collection, circa 1958-1975
- Trust Territory Survey Maps
Rare Books
- Donald Angus Collection of Botanical Prints
- Treasures from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library
- Polish Posters
- Russian Passport Application Album
- Russian Posters
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Yan yang tian 艳阳天
Yan yang tian 艳阳天
Beijing shi Chaoyang qu "Yan yang tian" lian huan hua ye yu chuang zuo zu 北京市朝阳区《艳阳天》连环画业余创作组
Hao Ran 浩然 ; Manling 曼玲
Book Cover
Beijing : Ren min mei shu chu ban she, 1973-
Wen ge shi qi lian huan hua ce 文革时期连环画册. 根据浩然同名长篇小说改编绘制的. Abstract: 写一九五七年麦收前后北京郊区的一个农业生产合作社在斗争中巩固成长的过程,反映了当时我国农村尖锐复杂的两个阶级, 两条道路, 两条路线的斗争,歌颂了毛主席的无产阶级革命路线. 书中刻画了一些闪耀着社会主义思想光辉的人物群像,突出地表现了党支部书记萧长春坚定不移走社会主义道路的革命斗争精神. 画册第一集,着重描写以萧长春为支部书记的东山坞党支部,在麦收前,围绕分配问题和阶级敌人进行斗争的故事. 东山坞暗藏的阶级敌人利用富裕中农的资本主义自发倾向,煽动闹“土地分红”. 他们企图以此打击党的领导,阴谋复辟资本主义. 在这个阶级斗争严重的时刻,东山坞党支部坚决遵照毛主席的伟大教导,依靠群众,打退了阶级敌人的进攻,坚持了社会主义道路,同时也使干部和群众受到了一次深刻的阶级斗争和路线斗争的教育. UH: v.1-v.4
Beijing 北京
Chinese fiction--20th century
Communes (China)
Literature adaptations
Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)
156 pages
10 x 13 cm.
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