Kaizawa 2-083: Japanese woman standing on Radio Tokyo ラジオ東京 rooftop where the CCD (Civil Censorship Detachment) office was located, with Hibiya Public Hall 日比谷公会堂 in background, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-083: Japanese woman standing on Radio Tokyo ラジオ東京 rooftop where the CCD (Civil Censorship Detachment) office was located, with Hibiya Public Hall 日比谷公会堂 in background, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Considering the two facts, that two CCD offices were both located in the places in and close to Hibiya park (this is based on the information from Brandon Interview), and that the Hibiya Public Hall can be seen in this photo, this photo is most likely to have been taken from the rooftop of the building in which CCD office was located.