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37 results
Kaizawa 3-038: Close up image of a theatre entrance with a large crowd of Japanese people in front, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 3-039: Kabuki actors Onoe, Kikugoro VI 尾上, 菊五郎 6世 and Onoe, Baiko VII 尾上, 梅幸 7世 performing a kabuki scene, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 3-040: Kabuki actor Onoe, Baiko VII 尾上, 梅幸 7世 performing an onnagata (woman's) role on stage, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-083: Japanese woman standing on Radio Tokyo ラジオ東京 rooftop where the CCD (Civil Censorship Detachment) office was located, with Hibiya Public Hall 日比谷公会堂 in background, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-088: Female actress Miiko Taka 高美以子 posing in a costume on set, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-089: Female actress Miiko Taka 高美以子 in a hula costume, posing for shot, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa box 13-005: Two kabuki actors on stage playing Nozaki Mura, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945