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103 results
Kaizawa 1-107: Narukami 鳴神soothes Lady Taema's chest pain in Narukami, the Thunder God (or Narukami) 鳴神
Kaizawa 1-122: Kabuki actor as a woman sitting with a Japanese smoking pipe in her hand in the living room
Kaizawa 1-123: Kabuki actors as Matsuomaru 松王丸, Umeomaru 梅王丸 and Sakuramaru 桜丸— posing in Kurumabiki 車引
Kaizawa 1-124: Kabuki actors as Hisamatsu 久松 (left), Osome お染 (center), played by Nakamura, Shikan VI, 中村, 芝翫 6世 (later: Nakamura, Utaemon VI, 中村, 歌右衛門 6世), and Kyusaku 久作 (right) in Nozakimura 野崎村
Kaizawa 1-129: Kabuki actors as Azuma Yoshiro 吾妻与四郎, Naniwa no Jirosaku 浪花次郎作, and Kamuro Tayori 禿たより in Modori kago 戻り駕
Kaizawa 1-131: Kabuki actors - Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 (right) and an unknown actor playing as women
Kaizawa 1-135: Kabuki actors - Bando, Jusaburo III, 坂東, 寿三郎 3世 (left) and Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 (right)
Kaizawa doc 01: Gion Kouta ぎおん小唄 ( a short song) created and written by Kaizawa, Stanley in Japanese
Kaizawa 2-001: USS Monterey sailing from San Francisco to Manila, 1945, coconut trees in front and a lush forest in background
Kaizawa 2-003: American soldiers standing and reading outside barracks on a military base in Japan during the Allied Occupation of Japan. ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-004: American soldiers standing outside barracks on a military base in Japan during the Allied Occupation of Japan. ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-008: Stanley Kaizawa, technical sargent, in military uniform on General Headquarters rooftop, Japan, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-009: Street scene in front of the Radio Tokyo ラジオ東京 Building, Japan, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 2-014: Group photo of Midori Kawaguchi (right), Yamaji (center), and Misao (left) from Kamishibai section at Radio Tokyo, Japan, where Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) Office was located, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945