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U.S. Marine Corps major is given information by a native of Woleai (Micronesia) [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Four Fais men sort newly acquired American money with advice from U.S. Marines. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Marine walks his guard post on the beach. Instead of the bowing, the nativves all now salute the Marines with a t ypical "G.I. flash." [See "more images" below for complete caption]
U.S. troops lead Kwajalein people along the beach for evacuation to nearby Enilapkan Island. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Line of Chamorros at Labor Office of Marine Civil Affairs hut. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Navy nurses give a yaws injection to a Micronesian child. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Lt. Arnold L. Brown, 25, a Navy doctor is shown giving an injection to a native. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
American Civil Affairs Officer makes friends by giving candy to children after the Marines' amphibious landing on the island.
Fais Islanders try out a new custom: saluting the American flag. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Hundreds of Marshallese natives, representing many atolls in these islands, staged an impressive ceremony on 4th of July, honoring American independence and their own recent freedom from the Japanese. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
An American Catholic priest, standing next to a makeshift altar set up on the bech to give a prayer service, presents a young Micronesian girl with a rosary.
Island images of military outsiders were shaped by American films and magazines that flooded the Pacific during the war. [See "more images" below for complete caption]