Kaizawa doc 02: Invitation card to Kabuki performance, Kanadehon Chūshingura 仮名手本忠臣蔵 from Shochiku Kabushiki Kaisha 松竹株式会社


Kaizawa doc 02: Invitation card to Kabuki performance, Kanadehon Chūshingura 仮名手本忠臣蔵 from Shochiku Kabushiki Kaisha 松竹株式会社





謹啓 愈御淸榮奉慶賀候
御多用中恐入候へ共御尊來願はれ候はゞ有難き仕合せに奉存候、先當御招待御入場件劵相添へ御案内まで如斯に御座候  敬具
日時 十一月二十九日 午前十一時開場 午後四時三十分終演
會場 東京劇場
演目 假名手本忠臣藏    
五段目 山崎街道出合より二つ玉の場    
六段目 與市兵衞住居勘平切腹の場    
七段目 祇園一力茶屋の場    
九段目 山科閑居の場 松竹株式會社 出勤俳優 他關係者一同 追而當日は規定時間までに御入場奉希上候 尚お子様御同伴は堅く御斷り申上候 殿


According to P.119 "Haiyaku soran" 1999, Kiichi Komiya,『配役総覧』平成1年、小宮麒一, the actors mentioned in the invitation card played in Kanadehon Chūshingura 仮名手本忠臣蔵 in Nov 1947.

Mention of this can be found in Kaizawa Interview 29 June 2000:
JB: This is an invitation from the Shochiku Kabushiki Kaisha, Kanadehon Chūshingura and the date is the eleventh month, 29th day. 29th day? Was this a special performance? Why is the 29th day? It surely started from the beginning of the month.
SK: Hmm. This was an issued date.
JB: Was this a senshuraku 千秋楽? ….Where was the year. Strange. Might be on the other side? What? We need to look it up of this then. It’s a Nibusei (2部制), Right? 11 o’clock performance, before 4:30 performance.
SK: Hiruno-bu and yoruno-bu.
JB: There are only 4 acts. And a whole day. Usually they do the whole plays. Unless they are repeating it. That’s, There is no date, isn’t it interesting? Looks like a big cast…


Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

18.0 x 14.0 cm


SKalb1-doc 02

Is Part Of

Stanley Kaizawa Collection, UHM Library Asia Collection Department